Lateral Ankle Pain

Outside Ankle Pain

What is It?

Peroneal Tendonitis (Tendinopathy)

Peroneal tendonitis is an overuse injury causing inflammation and degeneration of the peroneal tendons resulting in pain on the outside of the ankle. 

 The Peroneal muscles consist of the Peroneus longus (long) and Peroneus brevis (short).  The peroneal tendons pass down the back and underneath the lateral malleolus (outside ankle bone) Overuse causes the peroneal tendons to rub on the bone and become inflamed.


Symptoms of Peroneal tendonitis/tendinopathy include:

  • Pain is often worse during activity, but symptoms improve with rest.
  • You may have pain when pressing in on the outside of the ankle.
  • Pain may be recreated by stretching the peroneal muscles.
  • Pain and swelling on the outside of the ankle just below the bony protrusion (lateral malleolus).

What causes Peroneal tendinopathy?

Overuse is the primary cause, however there are a number of factors which can increase your risk of injury.

  • If you run on along slopes which cause excessive inversion (rolling out) of your foot then you are more susceptible1. This is because the peroneal tendon is stretched more across the bone, therefore increasing friction.
  • Tight calf muscleswill increase the tension in the peroneal tendon, so causing it to rub more.
  • Overtraining is also a contributory factor, particularly in dancers or basketball players.
  • Biomechanical factors such as overpronation (feet roll in or oversupination(feet roll out) are factors, increasing friction between your tendon and ankle bone.

How Can The Podiatry Experts Help?


Orthotics: Our specialists can provide you with orthotics which are custom-made especially to your feet. With the Orthotics help, it can help improve your feet positioning and encourage the foot to hit the floor correctly as you walk.

Foot Mobilisation: Mobilising the feet consists of moving specific joints and structures in a specific manner toward an improved functional alignment.

Laser Therapy: Cold laser therapy is low-intensity laser therapy that stimulates healing, reduces inflammation and pain while using low levels of light.

What you should do next?

If you are experiencing ankle pain, then it is highly recommended to book a biomechanical appointment straight away. It is easy to book with us- fill out our online form and we schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

We will discuss with you the best possible solutions for your ankle pain to fix your foot’s positioning straight away – it is important to remember not to delay in sorting the foot problem out soon as it will worsen and cause more pain. Make sure to schedule an appointment with us today.

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