Video Consultations
Video consultations (aka telehealth) allow us to treat patients who may not be able to visit us in our clinics. The benifits of Video consultations are:
- Improved acces to Podiatry Treatment
- Reduce time taking off work
- Convience of being able to do consultation anywhere with your computer and wifi
- Great for mothers who have kids, as you can stay at home to do their consultation
What can a podiatrist treat if they are not in the clinic ?
We can diagnose and treat the following:
- plantar fasciitis
- achilles tendonitis
- heel pain
- bunions
- sore feet
- severs disease
- osgood sclatters
- neuroma
- Advise on ingrown nails, warts and how to treat them.
How can you provide treatment if you are not hands on ?
In most cases we are able to treat the condition by using our knowlege and experience built up over many years in providing a comprehensive treatment plan.
We will expain your treatment plan to you by:
1. Video demonstration, we will show you how to do exerices then will watch you and provide feed back. This ensures you are doing exercises correctly.
2. Email you your comprehensive treatment plan
3. Provide you with your personalised video demonstatrion on how to do exercises, which you can access at any time.
Treatment options we can provide for you :
- Advising on how you can treat yourself at home
- What type of anelgesia to use for pain releif
- Exercise plan: stretches, strengthening
- How to release trigger points
- Recomend shoes for your foot type and gait
- Show how to tape your feet, ankles , knees yourself or with a partner
- Inform you what suppliments can aid tissue repair
- How to use spikey ball for deep tissue release
- Self and assisted massage technique
- Orthotic prescription if required , (post customised premade orthotic to you) and how to modify orthotic to increase or decrease arch support

Majority of the time we are able to assist in helping eliminate or reduce pain by using video consultations. But in the event your pain is not resolving we can arranage for you to come to our clinic for hands on treatment.
Video consultations provide a first port of call to start you on your way to getting better. Dont wait unitl you can get to the clinic as your wasing valuable time in treating your pain. Get a video consult to start you off treatment program off.
So don’t wait, book online today.