Severs Disease
Are you suffering from severs disease and are looking for an experienced professional podiatrist in Sydney, Australia?
Get in contact with us today, for advice on the best treatment for severs disease
What is It?
It occurs when an increased load is placed on the back of the heel from tension in the calf muscles, causing stress on the cartilaginous joint between the calcaneus and apophysis (growth plate).
Though horribly painful it is not a disease, but an overuse condition. Sever’s is most common between the ages 8 to 14 and is more common in boys than girls.
- Pain or tenderness around the edges of the heel
- Pain with rising from rest
- Limp
- Pain during and after sport
Causes of Sever’s Disease heel pain can be attributed to (but not limited to):
- Tight calf muscles and achilles tendon
- Over-pronated feet/collapsing arches
- Rapid increase in height and weight
- Play explosive sports such as soccer, hockey, football etc.
- Hard playing surfaces, lots of barefoot running
- Sudden increase in activity (start of sport season)
- Poor footwear (lack of cushioning and support)
Get in contact with our specialist at The Podiatry Experts today for an assessment. We look at the way you walk and how your foot is positioned. This will allow us to give you advice on the best treatment.
The Podiatry Experts can prescribe a custom-made orthotics to align the foot correctly, providing comfort and stability. This will reduce the pressure on the shins.
Foot Mobilisation
Mobilising the feet consists of moving specific joints and structures in a specific manner toward an improved functional alignment. Mobilisation of the feet is performed by a trained practitioner in a similar manner to the way a chiropractor or manipulative physiotherapist mobilises other joints of the body.
Laser Theraphy
Cold laser therapy is low-intensity laser therapy that stimulates healing while using low levels of light.
Other Treatments
- Reduce physical activity but don’t completely stop
- Massage to reduce calf tightness
- Ice anti inflammation gel
- Avoid going barefoot
- Taping for support and to unload the achilles
- Cushioned heel raises to reduce the strain on the growth plate
- Footwear advice
What you should do next?
- If you think you have Severs disease and would like to seek help, then book an appointment with us today. We will give an initial biomechanical analysis and discuss further solutions.
- Book an initial biomechanical appointment online today!
- Remember- the harder it will be to treat if you don’t solve the problem as soon as possible.
New Patient Gait Assessment
$25 off for new patients
*Claimable on your private health insurance!