Biomedical Assessment
When you come to The Podiatry Experts, we will conduct a thorough examination to determine the cause of your problem. This involves taking a comprehensive case history of your injury. We will then conduct a biomechanical examination of you which involves:
1. Gait analysis: This involves walking either on a treadmill with a camera filming your gait or walking up or down a room looking for variations in gait pattern.
2. Muscle Testing: This is to determine if certain muscles are functioning correctly and not over or under compensating. We also evaluate the strength of the muscle.
3. Joint Testing: This is to determine if the joint is restricted or if there is any pain associated with moving that joint.
4. Posture Evaluation: Looking for scoliosis, sway back, hunch back, rotation of the pelvis etc.
5. Strength Testing: To see if there are any weaknesses in the various muscle groups.
6. Diagnostic Testing: Depends on the injury but there are various tests we can use to help diagnose your injury ranging from compression tests and palpation tests to tuning forks.
7. Leg Length Check: We do this using two methods, checking the ankle bones are level while the patient is lying down on their back, and measuring from the crest of the hip bone to the ankle bone to compare the right and left. But if we suspect there is a discrepancy, we will refer the patient to get a C.T scan to measure leg length.
8. Referrals for Diagnostic Imaging: If we require more information, we can refer you for x-rays, CT scan, ultrasound and MRI.
At the end of this assessment, we will advise you what your injury is and the best way to treat this condition. We will provide a treatment plan outlining what we need to do to get you better.
New Patient Gait Assessment
$25 off for new patients
*Claimable on your private health insurance!