Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Knee Pain – Patellofemoral Syndrome – This is also known as Runner’s Knee. Pain occurs under and around the kneecap, caused by improper patella- femoral tracking due to internal tibial rotation, associated with excess pronation.

Adult conditions knee pain

What are the symptoms of Knee pain?

  • A dull, aching pain in the front of the knee
  • Increased pain when you walk up or down stairs (the most common symptom)
  • Pain in the knee when kneeling or squatting
  • Knee pain after sitting for long periods of time
  • A grating or grinding sensation when the knee is extended
  • Knee stiffness

What are the causes of Knee pain?

The cartilage under the kneecap (Patella) is a natural shock absorber. Overuse, injury or other factors may lead to pain in and around the knees - due to damage to the cartilage under your kneecap. When the feet roll inwards, the Tibia (lower leg) rotates inwards, exerting pressure, twisting the kneecap and damaging the surrounding muscle structure and knee cartilage.

What can The Podiatry Experts do to treat this?


  • At The Podiatry Experts we can provide you with Orthotics which enable the foot and leg to function in the correct position, reducing stress on knees 
  • Foot mobilisation: to realign bones in the feet   
  • Laser Therapy: to reduce inflammation, speed up heeling, reduce pain  
  • Exercises: Strengthening and stretching of the muscles around the knee
  • Anti-inflammatory medication, rest, ice, compression
  • Taping of the knee
  • Correct footwear

What you should do next?

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms of Knee pain, then it is highly recommended to book a biomechanical appointment straight away.

It is easy to book with us- fill out our online form and we schedule an appointment as soon as possible. We will discuss with you the best possible solutions for your Knee pain 

It is important to remember not to delay in sorting out the problem as soon as possible as it can worsen and cause more pain. Make sure to schedule an appointment with us today

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