Common Sporting Injuries
Do you experience pain after exercising? Here are some of the most common sporting injuries, which can affect your legs and feet – to explain why they occur, and how your podiatrist can help.
Do you experience heel pain in the morning?
Did you know that plantar fasciitis is the most common form of heel pain? While there are many reasons for the morning foot pain, plantar fasciitis is common in runners and dancers. It’s best to ask your podiatrist for an assessment, diagnosis and treatment if you are experiencing any kind of heel pain.
Do you have a painful big toes?
This could be Sesamoidities, which can be caused by anything from ‘weekend warrior’ workouts, to high intensity activities. It can help to rest or take a break from the activity and check your shoes are the correct type for the activity your are doing. If pain persists, see your podiatrist who can help.
Do you have bruised toenails?
This is caused by a haematoma, A haematoma is a bleed under the nail, which can be caused by ill-fitting shoes when running of hiking. The first thing you may want to do is check the fit of your shoes is correct – and see your podiatrist if symptoms didn’t improve.
Do you have painful knees or hips?
Sore knees and hips are caused by many reasons, but often surprisingly, this pain can be caused by your gait, which is the way to walk. A podiatrist doesn’t just focus on the feet, they can look at the biomechanics of yur foot and lower limb region assess the potential cause of any hip or knee pain.
Do you have a painful ball of the foot?
This can make walking – or any exercise – very challenging! You might have a stess fracture or a neuroma. When it comes to likely causes for a painful ball of the foot, the list of possibilities is endless. Make sure you book in with your podiatrist to have this properly assessed and treated.
Do you have sore shins?
This could be shin splints, which can be caused by a range of factors – and treated by your podiatrist
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